Entrepreneurs and their Hiring Romance!

Entrepreneurs and their Hiring Romance!

Enterprenurs & their hiring processes can be exasperating. Once I got offered on the spot after the first round of discussion and another startup did 9 rounds before offering. Nevertheless, I joined both as I was desperate during that time in my life. But imagine the contrast. To be fair, in the first case both the founders were present and they took a 30 minutes break and decided right there. Maybe they were desperate too :)

The second case was like a suspense thriller. After every round, they would call and say a new person wants to meet you stating a different reason. I obliged and realised that it wasn't their process; Just that, they were not organised for interviewing in their busy world.

After the 9th face to face interview, they confirmed the offer on phone. I resigned from my previous job and was on a short break. Then they called and said now the HR head wanted to have a telecon with me.

With heart in my mouth, I took the call with her, after that conversation they emailed me the offer letter! When I look back I wonder how reckless I/they were about my career. Have times really changed and startups have become more organised? Is it the romanticism of the founders to find an ideal hire that they interview a million people?

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