Can we let go the 'past hierarchy'?

Can we let go the 'past hierarchy'?

When somebody is a junior/ senior peer in your current organization, does that pecking order between you & them apply later to other employers too? 

Looks like it does. Some of us get frozen in time. One of my ex-colleagues was desperately exploring an option with us.

I said this role now reports to my successor as I am in my notice period. He said "I cant report into him. For your information when we were colleagues 10 years ago, I was L8 and he was L7. I was always his senior there".

He turned down the role though it was in line with his aspirations and took another job at a level below reporting to a stranger elsewhere.

What explains this self-drawn hierarchy? Is it hard to recognize that the so-called peer/junior took the risk, made career moves and worked hard to climb the ladder elsewhere?  

Encountering ex-colleagues in future jobs is a reality and could be an advantage if you have past track record or confident of your current skills. 

Yes, it could turn into a self-goal if you have burnt the bridges which in my view are out of control in many cases.  But, if you haven't botched up on the relationship front, you think 'past hierarchy' is something one can let go?

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