Why are offsites the preferred choices for teambuilding? We spend millions of dollars on real estate and build offices in key locations.
Some of us even choose to join certain organizations because the offices' look hep or the bosses appear cool during interviews. But, to work better in the same offices and bosses we need to go offsite to an exotic resort. We need to further spend the organization's time and money to create energy.
Isn't that an irony? Why does the bond increase only when we see the greeneries at the hotels or play, sing, and dance together? It's so difficult to create the same bonding at the workplace where we spend much more time with the same colleagues. To top this we need a paid external facilitator to umpire amongst us and tell us the strength of teamwork! Do the Emails, Excels, Powerpoint, Word documents create such vast distances amongst us?
Or is it the masks we wear at offices? How many times have we come back from an offsite and said: "I got to know so much more about you and now we are friends!" I always loved Offsites when I was an employee. It seems to be the best expensive magic pill to bring people together.