What's your managerial hack?

What's your managerial hack?

In your team do people respond better to

1. Engagement?

2. Rewards and Recognition?

3. Competition?

4. Pressure?

5. Naming and Shaming?

We can argue 2 and 3 are the same as in a way we recognize only the winners and leave out the also-ran. In my view, we use all of them interchangeably, depending on how motivated or frustrated we are about our teams!


I wonder if it's our individual make up that drives our managerial behavior…Meaning if we are wired to respond better to competition, that's the tool we possibly use more? Many of us are used to the competition thanks to our education system, and maybe it has become part of our DNA.


Is the culture of the organization/team that drives any of the above?

I know culture is an often overused/abused term for everything that happens in any enterprise. But, we observe a prevalent behavior across the organisation (call it culture), which could be any of the above.


It's the Context that drives our behavior as a manager? I remember once sitting with my buddy and bitching about my team and how I am building pressure on them. He asked me; I thought you believed in engagement and quoted some of my past tenures to remind me. I certainly felt embarrassed. However, I justified saying that this Context is different though I got refreshed with the flashback of engagement!

When I look back, I can recollect that I have used all of them knowingly or unknowingly. But, when you look at the results of "best employers to work," one can clearly see rewards and recognitions as something that stands out.

Let me ask you as a manager whats your "Go to tool" or what does your manager use more often to get the best out of you?

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