Fast forward 5 years, and your company announces an alumni meet on social media; what's the likelihood you will be attending?
October 17, 2020
Can freelancing ever become mainstream for talent and enterprises?
July 16, 2020
Are corporates adequately geared up to be back at the office or making a hash of it?
July 8, 2020
We all use some managerial hacks to bring out the best in people in our team, depending on how motivated or frustrated we are about our teams!
July 1, 2020
Recruiters measure many things like time to hire, quality of hire, cost per hire, not to mention the number of hires. Among these various metrics, is Interview Wait Time (IWT) a metric worth measuring?
June 24, 2020
How do you judge colleagues? Would it be based on? Is it their recent performance/behaviors or their strengths based on which they got hired/stayed/promoted...
June 3, 2020
They say timing is everything and so is the context, Is it time to examine the employer vs. employee equation once again?
May 20, 2020
As layoffs become common, will we find more honest job seekers and empathetic interviewers in days to come?
May 15, 2020
Some of us maybe are struggling with burnout of Working from Home as the boundaries have blurred further. But, has Working From Home also given some of us more time to reflect?
April 30, 2020
Will remote working change the pecking order of employees and leaders?
Despite initial productivity gains, we could be overrating the benefits of ‘work from home'...
April 28, 2020
Corona Virus might bring in a new era to work from home and bring in a new dignity to the term WFH...
April 25, 2020
When your so-called loyalists' walk away, what do you do?
February 28, 2020
Many years ago, I received a ‘no hike’ communication from my manager post appraisal. I think he confused me, but I still returned without feeling bad as he said something which ‘then’ appeared very convincing...
February 12, 2020
That was the first time I saw a CHRO standing up to a CEO...
January 21, 2020
“We have to shut both the offices, it’s a global MnA, we have to follow instructions,” said my boss. I promptly broke the news to both my leaders in those countries expressing my helplessness...
December 24, 2019
What’s the most engaging part when you go to any conferences and listen to speakers?
November 6, 2019
Are there Job Interview questions that have no meanings, but we still continue to ask? I wonder about the consequences if we could give the real answers that come to our mind than what they want to hear!
October 11, 2019
When you last decided to quit your job, who did you think of informing first at your organisation?
October 10, 2019
Are performance and bad behaviors two sides of the same coin?
October 9, 2019
If so, have you ever tried solving money culture?
October 7, 2019
Why it’s difficult to keep our superstars in spite of the world being at their feet?